2024 Coach Training Information
All trainings can be accessed in your AYSO account, under the AYSOU tab.
All AYSO Coaches must complete the following requirements:
- AYSO's Safe Haven training
- Sudden Cardiac Arrest training
- Safe Sport Training (90 min) - RENEW EVERY YEAR!!!
- be registered as a volunteer with a valid background check
- be authorized by their Region to be a coach for their team
- 6U Coaches must complete the 6U online Coach Course
- 8U Coaches must complete the 8U online Coach Course
- 10U Coaches must complete the 10U online Coach Course and in-person field training
- 12U Coaches must complete the 12U online Coach Course and In-person field training
- 14U Coaches must complete 12U and the Intermediate Coach Course online - It is best to coach at least one season between 12U and Intermediate, and complete the in-person field training
- 16U & 19U Coaches must complete 12U, Intermediate, and the Advanced Coach Course - It is best to coach at least one season between Intermediate and Advanced and complete the in-person field training
Finger printing - make an apt at the Inyo County office Of Education (760) 873-3262 ex: 2110 or with Bishop Police Dept.